Work with Me
I support healing and transformation. I am inspired to assist others to awaken to their place in the web of all life.
I bring my compassion and loving curiosity to the adventure of being human. I believe that each of us has the capacity to expand into the vast brilliance of their spirit, even as they are wonderfully, and imperfectly human.
I use my capacity as a healer to help you to shift energy blocks, dissolve resistance, and open to greater information on your life path.
We are not alone. We grow from the Earth, and we are blessed by the Stars. We have ancestors and allies in the spirit world to help us. We are eternally part of the Divine, who loves and guides us. I bring this perspective and these connections into my work.
How to Work With Me
“Working with Sage has changed my life in every good way. Her teaching is gentle and caring, combining practical suggestions with deep insights into what it means to be a human, and repeated reminders of how to live with more love, more compassion, more joy.”
Cairn from the Midwest U.S.
The Values & Beliefs that Shape My Work
As humans, we primarily interact within the shared consensual reality that we call ‘the real world’. There are many other realities that interpenetrate and interact with this world. It is possible for us to awaken to these other realities.
The beings who arise from these other realities (as we arise from the human world) are real. They manifest in forms that we may experience as subtle, or indistinct, but they are real and substantial within their own context.
Other realities and other beings are not dependent upon humans in order to exist.
Many realities interact. A reality and the beings who live there can be affected by the dynamics and transformations occurring in a related reality.
Each person (each creature, each being) has a reason to be here.
The soul has guided each one of us to manifest at this time, in this place, for a reason.
One part of the purpose arises from the opportunity to experience and learn from being in a body, in this world. All experiences have the potential to be opportunities to understand, deepen and expand our wisdom.
Each one of us has a unique soul’s purpose. We came here to be or do something (or many somethings). Awakening to this purpose is fundamental to our spiritual work.
When we awaken, when we actively engage with growing and learning, we can arrive at the right place and at the right time, and we will have the skills and wisdom to take the right action.
We will not be alone in this work. We work in community.
The Work
We understand our community to include animals, plants, spirit beings, ancestral guides, Goddesses and Gods, as well as human beings.
We come together, in community, and listen to our deepest wisdom, so that we may do what we are called to do.
Our spirit allies are critical in this work.
Our human relationships are critical in this work.
Our willingness to listen, to be changed, to surrender to the Divine, to be who we were meant to be … is critical in this work.
I look forward to working with you, whether it’s through an event, course or private session!