The Magic of the Wheel of the Year

Happy soon-to-be-Imbolc everyone!

Over the last few days and weeks, I have been thinking so much about the power of waking up to our connections to the natural world.

Such a simple, yet profound shift, from inattentiveness to awareness, can open us to a beautiful homecoming. We can return home to our place within the song of all life.

Whether we live close to nature or in an urban setting, we all grow from the Earth – we breathe Her air, we drink Her water and we are sustained by the green world.

Bringing our conscious awareness to this interconnectedness returns us to our natural place within the web of life. Here we can draw strength, receive guidance, embrace our natural gifts, and move more authentically into the work we have come here to do.

Conscious awareness grows from intention and attention.

We can look out the window and see the changes in the natural world.
We can walk through gardens and into the woods.
We breathe with the trees.
We smell the cold crisp scent that means snow is coming.
We see buds and the bright green tips of ancient trees.
We pay attention to the geese flying together,
and the sound of an owl in the night.
And we feel the resonance of these natural rhythms within us.

Awareness and connection are also fed by ceremony and ritual.

We can attune ourselves to the turning Wheel of the Year by taking time out of our daily life to create sacred space and honour the elements of life.

We breathe ourselves to centre.

We feel the sacred within, and within each living being. For those of us who practice earth-based spiritual traditions, the Wheel of the Year provides a structure that reflects the flow of the seasons.


This natural design cycles around the Solstices (winter and summer), the Equinoxes (fall and spring) and the cross-quarter days – those days that fall between a Solstice and an Equinox.

These cross-quarter days are sometimes called by their Celtic names – Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasadh and Samhain.

Rituals done at these liminal times are powerful opportunities to connect deeply with the natural world.

And as the wheel turns towards the season of Imbolc, the energies quicken.

A relief, after spending this season in the dark!

Seeds deep in the Earth are beginning to awaken and vibrate with the potential for growth.  We open to what stirs within us. 

What possibility is waiting in the dark? 
What ember will your spirit fire ignite?

Thanks to everyone who has registered for our Imbolc ritual, happening next week! I look forward to doing magic with you.  If you haven't registered yet, please do so soon, limited seats are available.


Being Peace


The Spirit of the Sun Returning