The Pause Between Breaths

dragonfly on green leaf

I talk a lot about the power of Receiving.

The impact of welcoming an energy, or an influence into ourselves is remarkable. When we adjust our energy to receive from another, there is a softness that is both vulnerable and strong.

To Offer, is similarly powerful.

When we can share without attachment, we come into alignment with the sacred. Offering is an expression of generosity – the generosity that is at the very heart of life itself.

Working With The Powers of Offering and Receiving Together

Together, an intentional practise of Offering and Receiving will return us to our relationship with the sacred. It returns us to connection – the connection that reminds us of our own integral place within the web of all life.

In fact, spending a few moments Offering and Receiving through breath, can shift our energy in many deep and profound ways. We can centre ourselves within our own energies. We can drop more fully into our physical bodies and into the body of the Earth. The breath that is an Offering, and the breath that Receives, shift our perspective, reminding us that we are never truly alone.

And yet, there is something more here.

The Mystery and Power of Stillness

There is the power of the pause between breaths. This is where the mystery of stillness can expand into illumination.

To Offer, and to Receive are active states of being. The Pause is the opportunity that lies in the place between one action and another.

This liminal state can open, like a door, allowing us to access something both subtle and profound.

When we see what is on the other side of this door, we glimpse that which is emerging. We can experience moments that have not yet taken form. We can taste the scent of a possibility.

If we soften our energy and become present without striving, the liminal can open to us. It may seem quite intangible, it may be fleeting, but the mystery when welcomed, will emerge.

The mysteries of the liminal places that lie beyond the gate of stillness are potent. These potentialities are usually surprising and unexpected. They are those impossibilities that are becoming possible.

So, treasure the stillness. Honour those times of inaction. Trust the pause between breaths.

When your life offers you a Pause, truly receive it. It is a gift of the liminal.


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