The Gate of Beltaine

What Beltaine is and a meditation to help open to the possibility of this season.

Grass covered path with trees along the sides

When we turn our attention to the Earth’s seasonal changes, we re-connect with the natural cycles of birth and death, change and growth, giving and receiving.  We learn from ancient practices, and allow the wisdom traditions to emerge as vital forces in modern life.

Whether we live close to nature or in an urban setting, we all grow from the Earth – we breathe Her air, we drink Her water and we are sustained by the green world.  Returning to this connection with conscious awareness, returns us to our natural place within the web of life.  Here we can draw strength, receive guidance, embrace our natural gifts, and move more authentically into the work we have come here to do.

The Gate of Beltaine

There are 8 powerful gates that create the Wheel of the Year.  We are approaching the gate of Beltaine.  A time of exuberant energy and expressiveness.

The Earth is bursting forth with new growth and new life.  As beings that grow from the body of the Earth, we feel this passionate energy running through us.  From deep in the Earth, up through our roots, we awaken and feel the drive to create and express.  Feeling the warmth of the sun, we can become more embodied and more expansive.  We become part of the great dance of renewal and enchantment.

We are asked:

What will you create?
What will you nurture and grow?

These are great questions to bring to your spiritual practices.  They are also very practical questions, for it is our creativity that shapes our future.

As Ranier Maria Rilke said:

“You must give birth to your images.  They are the future waiting to be born.  Fear not the strangeness that you feel.  The future must enter you long before it happens.”

Each time we step into our authenticity and take the actions that express that truth, the powers of life celebrate.  In this moment, in our wild and passionate truth, we create the future.

Martha Graham, writing to Agnes DeMille said:

“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translate through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.  If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.  The world will not have it.”

Pink and purple wildflowers

A Beltaine Meditation

Ground and centre yourself.

Spend a few moments bringing your awareness to your breath.

Open your spirit vision and see the crossroads upon which you stand – north to south, east to west, above to below – channels of energy flow to you here at the crossroads.

With your breath, inhale the elements of life – Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit.

As you exhale let these energies flow deeply into your body and your energy field.  You may wish to do one, or several, breaths for each element.

Once you are feeling connected to the elements, open to the possibility that this crossroads is the gate of Beltaine.

Continue breathing, allowing the energies of Beltaine to flow on your breath – passion, creativity, exuberance, and the thrill of excitement that is the flavour of the Otherworlds.

With each exhalation, receive what Beltaine offers to you.

If you start to feel a little giddy, just invite the energy to soften until you can easily be present with the power and mystery of Beltaine.

Here, centered, and at the crossroads, ask the questions:

What am I inspired to create?  
What stirs my passion?

As images, ideas, or sensations come to you, start doodling, drawing, or writing.

Don’t worry about how you might take actions to create or fulfill your passion. Simply let yourself know all of what might be possible for you in this season of enchantment.

When you feel done, thank the spirit beings who have helped you.  Gradually return to outer awareness.  Drink some water.

Let the inspirations, and passions be.  Do not try to figure anything out just yet.  Let yourself live with the visions for a time.  

After some time – a few days?  A week? - you can begin to think about how you might move forward with these inspired possibilities.  

And if something seems impossible – open your heart, open your hands, palms up, and ask the Goddess:

How would it be possible?

Then stay softly open and receptive, as you listen for Her response.

tropical pink flowers and green leaves

You might also enjoy this free guided invocation as part of your practice this season.

Sending wishes for a blessed and wonderful Beltaine season!

Don’t miss our Beltaine: The Dance of Enchantment ritual workshop happening on Sunday, May 1st! Learn More


The Pause Between Breaths


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